RCC Campus

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


所有使用本学院资讯科技资源的人士必须同意遵守 this Policy.

Users: Current faculty, staff, and students of the College are authorized to use the College's 计算机网络和服务在执行本用户协议时.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: 所有皇冠hg8868新版信息技术资源,包括但不包括 limited to computers, printers, and other peripherals, programs, data, local and wide 局域网,电子邮件,以及对互联网和万维网的访问.

Acceptable Use: 本校资讯科技资源的合理使用,仅限于以下人士 usage for academic, educational or professional purposes which are directly related to official College business and in support of the College's mission and are not otherwise prohibited.

Users are prohibited from using college INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY resources in an unacceptable 方式包括但不限于以下内容:

  • 查看、下载、存储和/或传输色情、淫秽或色情内容 child pornography materials;
  • 玩娱乐游戏及/或使用赌博网站;
  • 安装未经许可的软件和/或下载与工作无关的文件到 未经书面授权擅自使用学院的计算机系统.
  • Disclosing User ID's to any other person;
  • 解码或试图解码密码或访问控制信息;
  • Engaging in any activity that might be harmful to systems or to any information stored 在其上,例如创建或传播病毒、中断服务或破坏 files.
  • 制作或使用受版权保护的软件的非法副本,将该副本存储在 College Computer System, or transmitting said copies over the College's Computer Network.
  • Wasting computer resources, including placing a program in an endless loop, printing excessive amounts of paper in student computer labs and classrooms and, distributing chain letters or engaging in an activity that is not consistent with this Policies' Acceptable Use provision.
  • Engaging in any behavior that destroys, modifies or abuses hardware and/or software resources.
  • In furtherance of any illegal act, including violation of any criminal or civil laws or regulations, whether state or federal
  • 出于任何商业目的,包括但不限于招揽购买, sale, rental or lease of private personal property, goods, services, or real estate;
  • Engaging in a non-college business or otherwise using the system for personal reasons.
  • Intercepting, decoding, blocking, or interfering with any communication intended for other persons.
  • No member of the community, under any circumstances, may use the College's computers 或网络诽谤,诽谤,或骚扰任何其他人. The following shall constitute 电脑骚扰:(1)利用电脑骚扰、骚扰、恐吓、恐吓; 通过传达淫秽语言、图片、 或其他材料,或对收件人或收件人的人身伤害的威胁 immediate family; (2) using the computer to contact another person repeatedly with the intent or effect of annoying, harassing, or bothering, whether or not any actual message is communicated, and/or where no purpose of legitimate communication exists; (三)利用计算机就某一事项反复联系他人的 which one does not have a legal right to communicate, once the recipient has provided reasonable notice that he or she desires such communication to cease; (4) using the computer to disrupt or damage the academic research, administrative, or related pursuits of another; and (5) using the computer to invade the privacy, academic or otherwise, 侵犯他人隐私或侵犯他人隐私的威胁.
  • 为了任何集体谈判协议所不允许的政治目的 contrary to any state or federal law (Please note that pursuant to Massachusetts Campaign Finance Laws, no governmental resources (including computers, fax machines, modems, printers, and/or copy machines) may be used by any person (including a public employee,whether during work hours or otherwise) in order to promote or oppose a political candidate or ballot question or for the purpose of disseminating materials that advocate a particular vote on a ballot question or a political candidate. Further, in addition to a prohibition of any type of political fundraising on State property, a public employee is further 禁止直接或间接募集或接受任何捐款 for any political purpose);
  • 侵犯任何知识产权、版权或商标权. Users are responsible for recognizing (attributing) and honoring the intellectual property rights of others.
  • 学术不诚实(抄袭、作弊).
  • Unless authorized to speak for the college, users must avoid creating the impression they are doing so. 用户应采取适当措施避免可能的推论 that communication of a message via the College e-mail system or posting to an electronic 论坛表示学院正式授权或认可该信息.
  • Accessing restricted data without permission. In the course of performing job duties,RCC employees and other authorized personnel may have access to confidential data or proprietary information. 在任何情况下都不允许获取机密文件 data unless such access is authorized. Under no circumstances may employees or other authorized personnel disseminate any confidential information that they have rightful access to without authorization.

Responding to Security and Abuse Incidents: If you suspect that there has been an abuse of this policy, including but not limited 任何学院的信息技术资源的安全,通知 the employee's supervisor, the Human Resources department or, in the case of a student, 招生管理与学生事务副校长办公室. Where 如有违法行为,应与学院保安处联系.

No Expectation of Privacy: The College's Information Technology Resources are the property of Roxbury Community 学院和/或马萨诸塞州联邦,并将在一致情况下使用 with this Policy. 学院资讯科技资源的使用者须具备 不期望任何通信、传输、电子邮件或工作的隐私 利用学院的资讯科技资源进行表演. Use of the College's Information Technology Resources constitutes express consent for the College to monitor and/orinspect any data that Users create or receive, any messages they send or receive, 以及他们访问的任何网站,以及监控任何形式的网络活动 学院认为维护网络的完整性是合适的. The College retains 有权检查和访问任何用户的计算机,其中包含的任何数据,和 该计算机发送或接收的任何数据,包括但不限于电子邮件.

NO WARRANTIES: The College makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the service it is providing. 学院不会对用户所遭受的任何损害负责. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, no-deliveries, services interruptions 由学院的疏忽或用户的错误或遗漏所造成. Use of any 通过互联网获取的信息风险由用户自行承担. The College specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. 用户需要考虑他们获得的信息的来源 consider how valid that information may be.

Internet and World Wide Web Access: 互联网或万维网的使用受这些政策的约束. Users should 要知道学院既不负责也不控制 any pages linked to its Web Site. Users of the Internet or World Wide Web are solely 对查看、存储、传输或下载的所有材料负责. Further, the College does not control, monitor, review, or restrict information accessed over the Internet or World Wide Web.

EMAIL: RCC issued email accounts to faculty, students, and staff will be the official electronic 信息系统的所有大学相关的电子传输.

COPYRIGHT PROTECTION:计算机程序是宝贵的知识产权. Users are not permitted to use 任何软件,除非该软件已获授权予书院使用. In addition to software, legal protections can also exist for any information published on the Internet, such as the text and graphics on a web site. As such, it is important that Users respect the rights of intellectual property owners. Users should exercise care and judgment when copying or distributing information that could reasonably be expected to be copyrighted. 根据《皇冠365官方APP》,17美国.S.C. §1203(i)(1)(A), Users who engage in copyright infringement shall, at a minimum, have his/her access privileges terminated.

RESPONSIBILITY:这是任何人使用学院的信息技术的责任 Resources to follow this policy. 善用学院的资讯科技资源 是一种特权,而不是权利,如果不遵守这一政策,用户可能会受到惩罚 to disciplinary action pursuant to collective bargaining agreements or other personnel 政策,包括但不限于,失去访问权,从 College and/or discipline.

本网站所载资料仅供一般参考之用. Although 学院努力保持信息在网站上的最新和正确,我们 cannot guarantee that it will be so. As a result, the College makes no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of either the website itself or the information, products, or services provided on it. The viewer to the website is responsible for 联系适当的学院办公室核实信息,以及任何依赖 that the visitor to the website may place on the information, products, or services 因此,本网站所提供内容的风险完全由用户自行承担.

在任何情况下,学院都不承担任何损失或损害 arise in connection with the use of this website. Through this website, the viewer may be able to link to other websites that are not under the control of the College. The existence of these links does not suggest that the Colleges approves, recommends, or endorses the content of those websites.





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